Patient Journey Protocol
Thank you for making an appointment with our podiatrist.
Following the recent events related to COVID-19, in order to see and treat our patients in a safe environment and in line with the government and NHS England advice, we have developed a protocol to allow a safe journey for our patients and staff.
We ask you to read the protocol carefully BEFORE you attend for your appointment.
If you or anyone in your household has a fever, cough or any other symptoms related to COVID-19, please do NOT attend the practice.
Upon arrival, we ask you to inform the reception of your arrival through the reception window.
Please wait outside or in your car until your appointment. The waiting area will NOT be in use to implement the appropriate social distancing rules.
Please attend alone for your appointment unless necessary for someone else be present such as a carer or a parent.
Once the clinician is ready to see you will inform you via a text message and will invite you inside the practice.
Following the latest advice, once inside we request that your face is covered.
We will provide hand sanitiser and request that upon arrival you use it.
We will then take your temperature using a no-contact Thermometer. If our temperature is 37.8 or higher, we will ask you to kindly return home and will not proceed with the appointment.
You will then be guided into the podiatrist room for your treatment.
Upon completion of your appointment, if you require further appointments, our receptionist will help you to arrange this, observing and maintain appropriate social distancing.
As you are aware, we have introduced a safe Paypal payment method to minimise unnecessary contact at this stage. If any further payments are required, we can proceed with card payments. However, we hope and aim to keep this to a minimum.
We appreciate that these steps may appear overwhelming but we are sure that you will understand the importance of maintaining a safe environment for all our patients and staff so that we can continue to provide the care to our patients.