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Dentistry Treatments

Routine Check-Ups

Routine examination or check-up will show the health of your mouth including your teeth and all soft tissues. This is very important to help identify early signs of gum disease and routine screening for mouth cancer. Everyone is encouraged to maintain regular visits including children.

Routine check ups

Dental Hygienist

Maintaining good level of oral hygiene is paramount in maintaining healthy teeth and gums. Part of that maintenance includes professional cleaning of the teeth. We encourage patients to take advantage of hygiene services. Our friendly, experienced hygienist is available to offer advice on how to care for your teeth and gums to improve your oral hygiene habits and in turn improve and prolong the health of your teeth and gums. This can also be provided for you by the dentist.

Dental hygienist


What is Airflow Polishing? Airflow is an advanced method of cleaning treatment that prominently cleans and polishes teeth. It can be used alone or in combination with the conventional scale and polish by the dentist or hygienist. How does it work? Airflow works by shooting out a high pressured and concentrated blast of water, air, and bicarbonate (usually a lemon flavour) at the surfaces of your teeth. Airflow is very effective at cleaning teeth and will also clean the hard to reach places, leaving you feeling very fresh with clean and healthy teeth and gums. It has been proven to be effective at tackling tough stains and plaque, particularly at those very fine corners that the routine scale and polish cannot get to! Airflow can get into the nooks and cranny’s of the teeth removing the stains and instantly leaving you feeling fresh and clean. It can also significantly improve the aesthetics of your teeth leaving them to appear whiter as it is very efficient at removing stains.


Are there any dangers using Airflow?


No, Airflow is NOT a chemical treatment and therefore there are no risks of any irritations or any risks if accidentally ingested. It is completely non- invasive, pain free and it only takes 30 minutes.


White Fillings

Fillings are used to restore teeth that are decayed and to fill cavities. They allow restoring the function and strength of the decayed tooth. White filings have the added advantage of blending in with the natural colour of tooth and therefore result in aesthetically pleasing outcome whilst providing the primary purpose of a filling that is to restore a decayed tooth. White fillings can be used to improve the overall aesthetics of the teeth and your smile.

White fillings

Teeth Whitening

Boost your confidence, self-esteem and beauty with a brighter smile. Teeth whitening is the easiest and fastest step to a brighter smile.


Teeth Whitening is one of the best and most popular ways to improve the appearance of your teeth without any invasive procedures. Patients often are looking to improve the colour of their teeth. With our whitening treatments you could start to see results of whiter teeth within days.


We use the most trusted and the latest technology available in the industry and in the UK. Enlighten teeth whitening system is one of the most trusted and advanced systems used in the UK toady to provide reliable and long lasting whiter results.


Teeth whitening will not remove the surface of your teeth and doesn’t change the shape of them.


In order to have professional teeth whitening your teeth will need to be checked by the dentist prior to whitening to ensure that it is safe for your teeth and gums. Your dentist will then discuss and carefully select the best option for you. To book your free whitening consultation, please call us at the practice and the reception team will be happy to provide more details.

Teeth whitening

Crowns and bridges

Dental crowns are types of tooth restorations that are able to restore function and aesthetics to teeth that have become impaired. A dental crown can be used to enable restoration of strength to a damaged tooth, and/or improving aesthetics and preventing further damage. A dental bridge is used to replace an entire missing tooth. A dental bridge is an artificial tooth that is permanently fixed into your dentition replacing a missing tooth. There are different types of bridges available.

Crowns and bridges


Dentures are another way to replace missing teeth. Partial removable dentures are used to replace a number of missing teeth. Complete dentures are able to replace entire sets of missing teeth. Modern and improved dentures are lighter, more comfortable to wear and more natural looking than they used to be in the past. They provide a comfortable and often more cost effective solution to replacing missing teeth.

Root canal treatments

Root canal treatments

Root canal treatment is a procedure carried out to remove the damaged/ infected nerve tissue from the root of the tooth. It is often a method of saving a tooth that would otherwise have to be removed. It provides the opportunity to keep and restore a tooth for some years.

Dental implants

Dental implants

Dental Implants are the alternative method of tooth replacement. A dental implant is inserted into the jawbone to support the false tooth or teeth. Such implants may become firmly attached or integrated with the bone and act in a similar manner to a tooth root. This option does not require any treatment or alteration to the neighbouring teeth and is considered to be the longest lasting method of replacement. A dental implant placed by an experienced specialist is a safe and reliable method of replacing teeth whether you have lost one, several or all of them. The most important part of your treatment is the consultation visit when the pros and cons of different treatment options are assessed and explained to you.

Cosmetic dentistry

Cosmetic dentistry

You can transform your smile and achieve that dream smile you have always wanted, there are many ways to improve a smile and it doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive. You can brighten up your smile significantly by a simple airflow, or whitening treatment or you can go further and replace your missing teeth, change and improve their shape and crowding with new and cutting edge technology and treatments. Cosmetic treatment could start from simple teeth whitening and can be extended to replacing existing crowns with new metal free all porcelain crowns and veneers.It could also involve replacing existing fillings with white fillings and/ or porcelain inlays and onlays.



Veneers are a thin layer of porcelain bonded to your existing teeth. They are used to fill in gaps, correct the appearance of small or misshapen teeth, and cover up cracks or discolorations of the teeth. They are a great way to improve the shape of your teeth and significantly enhance your smile. A thorough examination by your dentist is essential in order to assess the possibility and suitability of veneers before any treatment can be commenced.


Oral surgery

Simple Oral surgery is often needed to remove impacted wisdom teeth or broken and buried roots when required.

Oral surgery

Invisible and Clear braces

For cosmetic tooth alignment


This is a solution to straighten and align teeth without having to wear traditional metal braces. Invisible and clear braces provide the opportunity for adults to wear braces that are not visible to the untrained eye and often, depending on the individual case, provide results faster than traditional braces.

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Invisible and Clear braces
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